B2B Magazine Mistakes that Shut Down Audience Engagement

Audience engagement for b2b magazine
There are certain things that businesses do with the hope of improving growth. However, some tactics stump audience engagement.

In that day-to-day running of your magazine, did you know that you could actually be working against its growth? There are certain things that businesses do with the hope of improving growth. However, some tactics stump audience engagement, making it much harder to build an interested and loyal audience. Here are the three most common mistakes magazines make that work against the growth.

Easy to Access Content

People come to the magazine because they want to read your content; not about you. They want to access the next article with ease and for you to guide them to the next relevant topic. Too many B2B magazines make the mistake of giving the article and then no other options for the reader but to click back, whether to the search engines or an article on another site that took them there.

SEE ALSO: [Audience Engagement] 3 Ways to Keep Your Readers

People are not going to look through the menus or find their way around the site. They just don’t have the time for that. The best way to help them is include links at the bottom with ”more similar to this story” or ”other stories that may interest you.”

Having More Content on Your Website

Like having easy access, you need to make sure your website has more content. The first things people see on a site should be your news-not about you but on topics that will interest the reader. It takes work, but there are some tips to make it easier and it really does improve audience engagement.

If people feel welcome, they will stay.
If people feel welcome, they will stay.

Use your archive stories. You could set up a public archive area for people to look back at old stories, but you don’t have to. The trick is to repurpose your old material. Follow upon an old story in the interest of your readers, or reuse the material by updating it and adding some new information on the subject. There may be a new study out or some new statistics that will help with this. You website has new content that is interesting for the reader and you make it easier on yourself to create this.

Not Upselling in the Sign Up Form

Your readers really enjoy your content and now want to sign up. That’s great, except it’s the area many magazines struggle with. Instead of having a compelling page that upsells the subscription and encourages more engagement, the page is just one boring form. You want to encourage them to keep going now that they’ve gotten here.

Getting them to this page is the hardest part and you’ve done that. Don’t throw it away. Focus on the upsells. What can you offer them to entice them further, and get them to buy at the same time? It doesn’t always have to be about money, either. You could just want their personal details, so you can sell through the marketing list. Whatever you do, make them feel welcome and wanted.

By avoiding the three mistakes above, you will push your audience engagement and see your B2B magazine grow. Stop hindering your own efforts by avoiding them. They don’t have to take long, and some just require a few quick changes here and there.

Photo credits: Stockimages / FreeDigitalPhotos.net, Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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